Econometric Methods (EC486)

Class Structure

In general, classes will be held in two parts: In the first hour we will go over problems intended to revise and further your understanding of the lecture material. In the second hour we will work with Stata to learn how you can practically use what we have just revised.
The exercises will be from the course text-book "Introductory Econometrics - A Modern Approach" (J.M. Wooldridge, 3rd edition) and I will email them to you in the week before the class. You have to hand in your solutions in my pigeon-hole in S600 till 12:00 on Wednesdays (do not put it in the post-box outside, but directly in my pigeon-hole). If you had to use Stata in an exercise, please attach a print-out of your results.

Contact Details

Place: STICERD / R5z06B

Office Hour

Thursdays, 10:30am-11:30am, R5z06B

Class Timetable

All classes on the first term's material have taken place by now.

Course Webpage


Problem Set No. 1
Problem Set No. 2
Problem Set No. 3
Problem Set No. 5
© 2006-2010 Konrad B. Burchardi