·    Recent and past research and main publications

(A complete CV can be obtained on request by e-mail)                                                                                    

A. Current research areas:

1) The causes and effects of undernutrition and measurement problems

Main publication

"Declining Child Malnutrition: A Reassessment", International Journal of Epidemiology 2006, 35(5): 1336-46. Download.

Poverty and Undernutrition: Theory, Measurement, and Policy, paperback edition, Oxford University Press, India, January 2002. For excerpts from three reviews, click here.

Poverty and Undernutrition: Theory, Measurement and Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000 (with a foreword by Amartya Sen). A jacket blurp, a list of contents and a sample chapter (the summary) are available from Oxford University Press at http://www.oup.co.uk/readingroom/economics/development_sen/. Online version published by Oxford University Press in the fall of 2003.

Other publications:

“Malnutrition and Hunger: Alternative Perspectives”, in B. Lomborg (ed.), How to Spend $50 Billion to Make the World a Better Place?, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

"Undernutrition Overestimated", Economic Development and Cultural Change 2002;51(1):5-36. Download.

“Hunger in India – Facts and Challenges”, Little Magazine, 2001, 2(6).

"841 Million Undernourished?", World Development 28, 1999;

"Gender Biases in Sub-Saharan Africa", Journal of Development Studies 32, 1996.


2) Real price and scarcity of non-renewable resources

Main publication:

“The Real, Real Price of Nonrenewable Resources: Copper 1870-2000” (with John E. Tilton), World Development, 2006, 34(3): 501-19. Download.


3) World Income Distribution, Aid, Growth and Poverty

Main publication:

"Aid and Economic Growth: An Alternative Interpretation of the Evidence", Swedish Economic Policy Review 2006, 13(2). Download.

“World Income Distribution: Which Way?”, Journal of Development Studies, 2004, 40(5): 1-32. Download.


B. Previous research areas and selected publications:

4) The economics of colonialism and foreign investment

Selected publications:

"The Portfolio-Direct Composition of Private Foreign Investment in 1914 Revisited", Economic Journal, 1978;

"Colonial Enforcement of Foreign Direct Investment", The Manchester School, 1981;

"The Profitability of U.K. Foreign Direct Investment under Colonialism", Journal of Development Economics, 1982.


5) Trade and foreign investment theory

Selected publications:

"Optimal Tariff Policy on Imports from Multinationals", Economic Record, 1979;

"On the Causes of Instability in Export Earnings", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 1981 (with P. Brundell and H. Horn);

"Technological Variability and Welfare in a High-Dimension Trade Model", Oxford Economic Papers, 1990.


6) Trade and foreign investment empirics

Selected publications:

"Multinational Enterprise Investment and Import Substitution in Latin America", Australian Economic Papers, 1982;

"The Export Performance of Sub-Saharan Africa", Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1991;

Trade and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Manchester University Press, 1991 (ed. with J. Frimpong-Ansah and R. Kanbur).