Work published  in English

121.   Stability in the Balance – a Report on the Roles of Fiscal and Monetary Policy to the Expert Group on Public Economics (with John Hassler and Anna Seim), ESO 2023:1. Link.

120.   Financial Regulation and Macroeconomic Stability in the Nordics (with Peter Englund), Nordic Economic Policy Review, 2020. Link.

119.   The Case for Numerical Employment Policy Targets, VoxEU, 28 September 2020. Link.

118.   Assar Lindbeck: 1930-2020, VoxEU, 8 September 2020. Link.

117.   Fiscal Frameworks and Fiscal Sustainability in the Nordics, Nordic Council of Ministers 2020. Download.

116.   Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets: Background, Summary and Policy Conclusion (with Nora Sánchez Gassen), in Calmfors, L. and Sánchez Gassen, N. (eds.), Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets Nordic Council of Ministers 2019.2019. Download.

115.   Climate Policies in the Nordics (with John Hassler), Nordic Economic Policy Review 2019. Download.

114.   Increasing Income Inequality in the Nordics - Introduction (with Jesper Roine), Nordic Economic Policy Review 2018. Download.

113.   The Duality of the Swedish Labour Market (with Petter Danielsson, Ann-Sofie Kolm, Per Skedinger and Toumas Pekkarinen), Summary of the 2017 Report by the Swedish Labour Policy Council, Stockholm. Download.

112.   Time for Larger Wage Dispersion (with Petter Danielsson, Ann-Sofie Kolm, Per Skedinger and Toumas Pekkarinen), Summary of the 2016 Report by the Swedish Labour Policy Council, Stockholm. Download.

111.  The Swedish Macroeconomic Framework, in Pierre, J. (ed.). The Handbook on Swedish Politics , Oxford University Press (2015). Download.

110.  The Roles of Fiscal Rules, Fiscal Councils and Fiscal Union in EU Integration, in Badinger, H. and Nitsch, V.(eds.). Handbook in the Economics of European Integration, Routledge (2015). Download.

109.   Earned  Income Tax Credits, Unemployment Benefits and Wages: Empirical Evidence from Sweden (with Helge Bennmarker and Anna Seim), IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2014 3:54. Download.

108.   How well is the Nordic model doing? Recent performance and  future challenges, in The Nordic model - challenged but capable of reform, Nordisk ministerråd 2014. Download.

107.   Sweden - Watchdog with a Broad Remit, in Kopits, G. (ed.), Restoring Public Debt Sustainability: the Role of Independent Fiscal Institutions, Oxford University Press 2013. Download. Download.

106.   Why Do People Dislike Low-Wage Trade Competition with Posted Workers in the Service Sector? (with Girts Dimdins, Marie Gustafsson Sendén, Henry Montgomery and Ulrika Stavlöt), Journal of Socio-Economics 47, December 2013. Download.

105.   Sweden - From Macroeconomic Failure to Macroeconomic Success, in Maguire, M. and Wilson, G. (eds,), Business and Government, Volume IV: Challenges and Prospects, Routledge 2013. Download.

104.   Pattern Bargaining and Wage Leadership in a Small Open Economy (with Anna Larsson Seim), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2013, Vol. 115, No. 1. Also IIES Seminar Paper No. 760, August 2009, and CESifo Working Paper No. 3510, July 2011. Download.

103.   Can the Eurozone Develop into a Well-Functioning Fiscal Union?, CESifo Forum 2012:1, Munich. Download.

102.   The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2012 by the European Economic Advisory Group at the CESifo Institute (Lars Calmfors, Giancarlo Corsetti (Vice Chair), John Hassler, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn, Jan-Egbert Sturm (Chair), Akos Valentinyi and Xavier Vives),  March, Munich. Download.

101.   What Should Fiscal Councils Do? (with Simon Wren-Lewis), Economic Policy 27, October 2011; earlier version: CESifo Working Paper No. 3382 and IIES Seminar Paper No. 768. Download 1. Download 2.

100.   Swedish Fiscal Policy, Report of the Fiscal Policy Council 2011 (with Torben Andersen, Michael Bergman, Laura Hartman, Lars Jonung, Helena Svaleryd, Lars Tobisson and Erik Åsbrink), Stockholm. Download.

99.     The Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, 2011/1 Staatsschuldenausschuss, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 2011/1, the Journal of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, also IIES Seminar Paper No. 769. Download.

98.     Wage Formation and the Swedish Labour Market Reforms 2007-2009 (with Helge Bennmarker and Anna Larsson), report to the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council 2011/1, Stockholm. Download.

97.     What Are Fiscal Councils, and What Do They Do? (with Simon Wren-Lewis), Vox 21 April 2011. Download.

96.     The Role of Independent Fiscal Policy Institutions, report to the Prime Minister’s Office in Finland, in Finanssipolitiikan instituutiot, Valtioneuvoston kanslian julkaisusarja (Prime Minister’s Office Publications) 18/2010, Helsinki. Also Studies in Fiscal Policy 2010/9, Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, Stockholm, CESifo Working Paper No. 3367 and IIES Seminar Paper No. 767. Download.

95.     Fiscal Policy Coordination in Europe, briefing paper for the European Parliament PE 440.292, /IP/A/ECON/NT/2010-10/, September 2010, also IIES Seminar Paper No. 765. Download.

94.     Swedish Fiscal Policy, Report of the Fiscal Policy Council 2010 (with Torben Andersen, Michael Bergman, Martin Flodén, Laura Hartman, Helena Svaleryd, Lars Tobisson and Erik Åsbrink), Stockholm. Download.

93.     How Have We Handled the Economic Crisis and What Do We Do Now?, Félix Neubergh Lecture at the School of Economics, Business and Law, University of Gothenburg, 8 December 2009. Download.

92.     Trade in Services and in Goods with Low-Wage Countries - How Do Attitudes Differ and How Are They Formed? (with Girts Dimdins, Marie Gustafsson, Henry Montgomery and Ulrika Stavlöt), Sieps 2009:6, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Stockholm. Download.

91.     Comments on the 2010 Budget Bill (with with Torben Andersen, Michael Bergman, Martin Flodén, Laura Hartman, Helena Svaleryd, Lars Tobisson and Erik Åsbrink), Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, Stockholm, 2009. Download.

90.   Swedish Fiscal Policy, Report of the Fiscal Policy Council 2009 (with Torben Andersen, Martin Flodén, Laura Hartman, Ann-Sofie Kolm, Lars Tobisson and Erik Åsbrink), Stockholm. Download.

89.    The Role of Research and Researchers in Economic Policy-Making: Some Reflections Based on Personal Experiences (Tutkimuksen ja tutkijoiden rooli talouspolitiikassa: kokemuksiini perustuvaa pohdintaa), Finnish Economic Journal (Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja) 2009/1. Download.

88.   Comment on Charles Wyplosz: Fiscal Policy Councils - Unlovable or Just Unloved? at Economic Council in Sweden conference on "Fiscal Rules and Institutions", Stockholm 22 October 2007, Swedish Economic Policy Review 2007:14. Download.

87.   The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2008 by the European Economic Advisory Group at the CESifo Institute (Lars Calmfors (Chair), Giancarlo Corsetti, Michael P. Devereux, Gilles Saint-Paul (Vice Chair), Hans-Werner Sinn, Jan-Egbert Sturm and Xavier Vives), February, Munich. Download.

86.     Knowledge Driven Growth: An initial report by the Globalisation Council (together with other members of the Globalisation Council), Ds 2007:38, Stockholm, 2007; Download.

85.   Flexicurity - an Answer or a Question, European Policy Analysis 2007:6, Sieps. Download.

84.    The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2007 of the European Economic Advisory Group at the CESifo Institute (Lars Calmfors (Chair), Giancarlo Corsetti, Michael P. Devereux, Seppo Honkapohja, Gilles Saint-Paul (Vice Chair), Hans-Werner Sinn, Jan-Egbert Sturm and Xavier Vives), February, Munich. Report.

83.   Edmund Phelp’s Contributions to Macroeconomics (together with Peter Englund, Tore Ellingsen, Lars Engwall, Bertil Holmlund, Per Krusell, Karl-Gustaf Löfgren, Lars Magnusson, Timo Teräsvirta and Jörgen Weibull), Information for the Public on the 2006 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Download.

82.   Edmund Phelp’s Contributions to Macroeconomics (together with Peter Englund, Tore Ellingsen, Lars Engwall, Bertil Holmlund, Per Krusell, Karl-Gustaf Löfgren, Lars Magnusson, Timo Teräsvirta and Jörgen Weibull), Advanced Information on the 2006 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Download.

81.   The Revised Stability and Growth Pact – A Critical Assessment, The Journal for Money and Banking of the Bank Association of Slovenia, November 2006. Download.

80.   Report on the European Economy 2006 of the European Economic Advisory Group (EEAG) at the CESifo Institute (together with Giancarlo Corsetti, Seppo Honkapohja, John Kay, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn, Jan-Egbert Sturm and Xavier Vives), March, Munich. Download.

79.    Nominal Wage Flexibility, Wage Indexation, and Monetary Union (with Åsa Johansson), Economic Journal, 2006:116. Download.

78.    What Remains of the Stability Pact and What Next?, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 2005:8. Report.

77.   Report on the European Economy 2005 of the European Economic Advisory Group (EEAG) at the CESifo Institute (together with Giancarlo Corsetti, Seppo Honkapohja, John Kay, Willi Leibfritz, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn and Xavier Vives), March, Munich. Report.

76.   Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott’s Contribution to Dynamic Macroeconomics: The Time Inconsistency of Economic Policy and the Driving Forces behind Business Cycles (together with Peter Englund, Tore Ellingsen, Lars Engwall, Per Krusell, Karl- Gustaf Löfgren, Timo Teräsvirta and Jörgen Weibull), Advanced Information on the 2004 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Download.

75.   The Effects of Active Labour Market Policies in Sweden: What Is the Evidence? (with Anders Forslund and Maria Hemström), in J. Agell, M.J. Keen and A.J. Weichenreider (eds.), Labor Market Institutions and Public Regulation, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. Download.

74.   "Activation versus Other Employment Polices - Lessons for Germany", CESifo Forum, 2/2004. Download.

73.   Unemployment Benefits, Contract Length and Nominal Wage Flexibility (with Åsa Johansson), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2004:1. Download.

72.   Report on the European Economy 2004 of the European Economic Advisory Group (EEAG) at the CESifo Institute (together with Giancarlo Corsetti, Seppo Honkapohja, John Kay, Willi Leibfritz, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn and Xavier Vives), February, Munich. Report.

71.   Fiscal Policy to Stabilise the Domestic Economy in the EMU: What Can We Learn from Monetary Policy?, CESifo Economic Studies, 2003:3. Download.

70.     Nominal Wage Flexibility and Fiscal Policy – How Much Can They Reduce Macroeconomic Variability in the EMU?, Submissions on EMU from Leading Academics, UK Membership of the Single Currency: An Assessment of the Five Economic Tests, HM Treasury, London, 2003. Download.

69.     How to Reform Europe’s Fiscal Policy Framework (together with Giancarlo Corsetti), World Economics Journal, 2003:1. Download.

68.     Report on the European Economy 2003 of the European Economic Advisory Group (EEAG) at the CESifo Institute (together with Giancarlo Corsetti, John Flemming, Seppo Honkapohja, John Kay, Willi Leibfritz, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn and Xavier Vives), February, Munich. Report.

67.   Summary in English of “The Swedish Government Commission on Stabilisation Policy for Full Employment in the Event of Swedish Membership in the Monetary Union” (Stabiliseringspolitik i valuta­unionen, Slutbetänkande, Kommittén för stabiliseringspolitik för full sysselsättning vid ett svenskt medlemskap i valutaunionen), SOU 2002:16, Stockholm (with Ingemar Hansson, Bengt K Å Johansson, Nils Lundgren, Inga Persson, Irma Rosenberg). Download.

66.   Does Active Labour Market Policy Work? Lessons from the Swedish Experiences (with Anders Forslund and Maria Hemström), Swedish Economic Policy Review, 2001:2. Also IIES Seminar Paper No. 700, IFAU Working Paper No. 2002:4 and CESifo Working Paper No. 675

65.     Macroeconomic Policy Coordination in the EU: How Far Should It Go?, Swedish Economic Policy Review, 2001:1. 

64.   Wages and Wage-Bargaining Institutions in the EMU – A Survey of the Issues, Empirica 2001:28. Also published in R. Franzese, P. Mooslechner, and M. Schürz (eds.) Institutional Conflicts and Complementarities: Monetary Policy and Wage-Bargaining Institutions in EMU, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. Also IIES Seminar Paper No. 690 and CESifo Working Paper No. 520. Download.

63.     Explaining Wage Developments (with Eva Uddén Sonnegård), in Economic Review, 2001:4, Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm. Download.

62.     The Future of Collective Bargaining in Europe (with Alison Booth, Michael Burda, Daniele Checchi, Robin Naylor, and Jelle Visser) in T. Boeri, A. Brugiavini, and L. Calmfors, eds., The Role of Unions in the Twenty-First Century, Oxford University Press, 2001.

61.     Unemployment, Labour-Market Reform and Monetary Union, Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 19, No. 2, 2001. In pdf-format.

60.     Economic Policy and Growth - An Introduction (with Mats Persson), Swedish Economic Policy Review, 2000:1. Download.

59.     Unemployment and Economic Growth - A Partial Survey (with Bertil Holmlund), Swedish Economic Policy Review, 2000:1. Download.

58.     The Political Economy of Labour-Market Reform (with Per Skedinger), Swedish EconomicPolicy Review No 2, 1998.

57.     Macroeconomic Policy, Wage Setting and Employment - What Difference Does the EMU Make?, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1998:3.

56.     A Balanced Approach to Employment Policy in Europe (with Alan Manning and Gilles Saint-Paul), HM Treasury, London, 1998.

55.     The EMU and Sweden - An Introduction (together with Harry Flam), Swedish Economic Policy Review, 1997:2.

54.     Comment to K. Grier: Government, Unions and Economic Growth. In Bergström, V., ed., FIEF Studies in Labor Markets and Economic Policy, Clarendon Press Oxford, 1997.

53.     Labor Market Policy and Job Creation - Swedish and U.S. Experiences. Summary by Moderators, Conference organised by the Embassy of the United States, Stockholm, 20 May, 1997.

52.     EMU - A Swedish Perspective (together with Harry Flam, Nils Gottfries, Magnus Jerneck, Rutger Lindahl, Janne Haaland Matlary, Christina Nordh Berntsson, Ewa Rabinowicz and Anders Vredin), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.

51.     The Consequences of the Monetary Union - An Introduction, Swedish Economic Policy Review, No 1, 1997.

50.     Moral Hazard in the Welfare State. Comment on L. Söderström. In Giersch, H., ed., Reforming the Welfare State, Springer Verlag, 1997.

49.     Fiscal Policy when Monetary Policy Is Tied to the Mast (with Jonas Agell and Gunnar Jonsson), European Economic Review, vol. 40, 1996

48.     Comment on Bertil Holmlund and Ann-Sofie Kolm: Progressive Taxation, Wage Setting and Unemployment - Theory and Swedish Evidence. Swedish Economic Policy Review, No. 2, 1995.

47.     What Can We Expect from Active Labour Market Policy? Konjunkturpolitik, No. 43, 1995.

46.     Will High Unemployment in Sweden Become Persistent? Swedish Economic Policy Review, No. 1, 1995.

45.     Labour Market Policy and Unemployment, European Economic Review, vol. 39, 1995.

44.     Does Active Labour Market Policy Increase Employment? Theoretical Considerations and Some Empirical Evidence from Sweden (with Per Skedinger), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 11, No. 7, 1995.

43.     Macroeconomic Effects of Active Labour Market Programmes in a Union Wage-setting Model (with Harald Lang), The Economic Journal, vol. 105, May 1995.

42.     What Can Sweden Learn from the European Unemployment Experiences? Swedish Economic Policy Review, No. 1-2, 1994.

41.     Active Labour Market Policy and Unemployment - A Framework for the Analysis of Crucial Design Features, OECD Economic Studies, No. 22, Spring 1994. Reprinted in P. N. Junankar, ed., The Economics of Unemployment, vol. IV, Edward Elgar, 2000.

40.     Centralisation of Wage Bargaining and Macroeconomic Performance - A Survey, OECD Economic Studies, No. 21, Winter 1993.

39.     Comment to K.O. Moene, M. Wallerstein and M. Hoel: Bargaining Structure and Economic Performance. In Flanagan, R.J., Moene, K.O. and M. Wallerstein, eds., Trade Union Behaviour, Pay Bargaining and Economic Performance, Oxford University Press, 1993.

38.     Lessons from the Macroeconomic Experience of Sweden, European Journal of Political Economy 9, 1993.

37.     Real Wage Determination and Labor Market Policies: The Swedish Experience (with Anders Forslund), The Economic Journal, vol. 101, September 1991.

36.     Real Wage Adjustment and Employment Policies in the Nordic Countries (with Ragnar Nymoen), Economic Policy 11, 1990.

35.     Comment to T. Andersen: Macroeconomic Strategies Towards Internal and External Balance in the Nordic Countries, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 92, 1990:2.

34.     Comment to R. Jackman: Wage Formation in the Nordic Countries Viewed from an International Perspective, in Calmfors, L., ed., Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Policy in the Nordic Countries, SNS and Oxford University Press, 1990.

33.     Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Policy in the Nordic Countries: A Summary, in Calmfors, L., ed., Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Policy in the Nordic Countries, SNS and Oxford University Press, 1990.

32.     Wage Formation in Sweden (with Anders Forslund), in Calmfors, L., ed., Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Policy in the Nordic Countries, SNS and Oxford University Press, 1990.

31.     Comment to S. Bentolila and O. Blanchard: Spanish Unemployment, Economic Policy 1990:1

30.     Work Sharing, Employment and Shiftwork (with Michael Hoel), Oxford Economic Papers 41, 1989

29.     Comment to B. Holmlund: Wages and Unemployment in Unionized Economies: Theory and Evidence, in Holmlund, B., Löfgren, K. and V. Bergström, eds., Trade Unions, Employment and Unemployment Duration, Oxford University Press, 1989.

28.     Inflation and Unemployment in Sweden, Europe and the United States, in K. Goldmann, ed., International Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm University, 1988.

27.     Wage Formation in the Nordic Countries, Nordiska ekonomiska forskningsrådets årsbok 1988.

26.     Comment to G. Alogoskoufis and A. Manning: On the Persistence of Unemployment, Economic Policy 7, 1988.

25.     Work Sharing and Overtime (with Michael Hoel), Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1, 1988.

24.     Bargaining Structure, Corporatism and Macroeconomic Performance (with John Driffill), Economic Policy 6, 1988. Reprinted in P. N. Junankar, ed., The Economics of Unemployment, vol. III, Edward Elgar, 2000.

23.     Comment to J. Sachs: High Unemployment in Europe: Diagnosis and Policy Implications, in C-H. Siven, ed., European Unemployment, Timbro, 1987.

22.     Comment to J. Drèze: Work Sharing: Why? How? How Not? in R. Layard and L. Calmfors, eds., The Fight Against Unemployment - Macroeconomic Papers from CEPS, MIT Press, 1987.

21.     European Unemployment and the Rigidities in the Labour Market - an Introduction, in R. Layard.and L. Calmfors, eds., The Fight Against Unemployment - Macroeconomic Papers from CEPS, MIT Press, 1987.

20.     Comment to R. Flanagan: Efficiency and Equality in Swedish Labour Markets, in B. Bosworth and A. Rivlin, eds., The Swedish Economy, Brookings Institution, 1987.

19.     Employment Policies and Centralized Wage Setting (with Henrik Horn), Economica, August 1986.

18.     Work Sharing, Employment and Wages, European Economic Review, April 1985.

17.     The Roles of Stabilization Policy and Wage Setting for Macroeconomic Stability - the Experience of Economies with Centralized Bargaining, Kyklos, Fasc. 3, 1985.

16.     Trade Unions, Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Stability - an Introduction, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1985:2.

15.     Classical Unemployment, Accommodation Policies and the Adjustment of Real Wages (with Henrik Horn), Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1985:2.

14.     Exchange Controls Can Be Abolished, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Quarterly Review 1985:4.

13.     Stabilization Policy and Wage Formation in Economies with Strong Trade Unions, in M. Emerson, ed., Europe's Stagflation, Oxford University Press, 1984.

12.     Sweden and Finland - a Comparison of Stabilization Policy Strategies, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Quarterly Review 1984:4.

11.     Output, Inflation and the Terms of Trade in a Small Open Economy, Kyklos, Fasc.1, 1983.

10.     Employment Policies, Wage Formation and Trade Union Behaviour in a Small Open Economy, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1982:2. Reprinted in Bénassy, J-P, ed., Macroeconomics and Imperfect Competition, Edward Elgar, 1995.

9.       Cost Adjustment in Smaller OECD Countries, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Quarterly Review 1982:4.

8.       Long-run Effects of Short-run Stabilization Policy - an Introduction, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1982:2.

7.       Wage Indexation, the Scandinavian Model and Macroeconomic Stability in the Open Economy (with Staffan Viotti), Oxford Economic Papers 1982:3.

6.       Exchange Controls, Capital Movements and Stabilization Policy, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Quarterly Review 1980:3-4.

5.       Domestic and Foreign Price Influences - a Disaggregated Study of Sweden (with Jan Herin), in Inflation and Employment in Open Economies, A. Lindbeck, ed., North-Holland, 1979.

4.       Real Wages, Inflation and Unemployment in the Open Economy, in Inflation and Employment in Open Economies, A. Lindbeck, ed., North-Holland, 1979.

3.       Prices, Wages and Employment in the Open Economy, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, Monograph no 10, 1978 (Ph D dissertation).

2.       Inflation in Sweden, in Worldwide Inflation - Theory and Recent Experience, Krause, L.B. and W.S. Salant, eds., Brookings Institution, 1977.

1.       Economic Restrictions on Soviet Defence Expenditure - a Model Approach (with Jan Rylander) in The Soviet Economy in a New Perspective, a compendium of papers submitted to the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, October 1976.