Unpublished work

21.    Hur bor sysselsattningspolitiska mal formuleras?, utkast till ESO, 2020. Download. 

20.    Reflektioner om RUT (Riksdagens utredningstjanst) 2014. Download. 

19.    Synpunkter pa arbetsloshetsforsakringen till Socialforsakringsutredningen (Comments on Swedish Unemployment Insurance to the Government Commission on Social Insurance), speech at public hearing on 14 February 2011. Download.

18.    The Swedish Fiscal Policy Council - Experiences and Lessons, paper presented at Conference on Independent Fiscal Policy Institutions, organised by the Fiscal Policy Council of Hungary at the Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 18-19 March 2010, also IIES Seminar Paper No. 764. Download.

17.     Comments on the National Auditors' (Riksrevisionens) report on "The Government's Analysis of the Long-run Sustainability of Fiscal Policy" at seminar organised by the National Auditors, Stockholm 13 November 2007. Download.

16.     Presentation of the 2006 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel to Edmund Phelps, 9 October, 2006, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Download.

15.     Objectivity and Integrity in Government Commission Work in Politically Controversial Areas, speech at IQPC conference on "The Work of Government Commissions", Stockholm, 24 May, 2005. Download.

14.     EMU Entry for the New EU States, the Convergence Criteria and the Stability Pact. Lecture at the Central Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank), Tallinn, Estonia, 27 May, 2004. Download.

13.     Labour Market Institutions, Pay-Setting Systems and Employment. What Is There to Learn from the Experiences of the Old EU Member States? Speech at the Social Economic Council in the Ministry of Social Affairs, Tallinn, Estonia, 27 May, 2004. Download.  

12.     Stabilitetspakten, EMU och de nya EU-landerna, speech at  SIEPS conference on "EUs framtid - strukturella, rattsliga och ekonomiska aspekter pa utvidgningen", Rosenbad Information Center, Stockholm, 5 May, 2004. Download.

11.     Labour Market Reforms, Pay-Setting Systems, and Employment, Speech at the conference on ?Economic Growth in the European Union" organised jointly by SIEPS (the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies), the Center for Business and Policy Studies (SNS), and the Trade Union Institute for Economic Research (FIEF) in Stockholm on 29 April, 2004. Download.

10.    The Limits of Activation in Active Labour Market Policies, Keynote Speech at the International Reform Monitor Conference on "Activation without Perspective? - Increasing Employment Opportunities for the Low-Skilled", Bertelsmann Foundation, 31 March  2004, Berlin. Download.

9.       Fiscal Policy as a Stabilisation Policy Tool in the EMU, speech at the EPRU Network conference on "International and Danish Economic Policy" at the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen, May 2002. Download

8.       Sweden and the EMU - Perpectives and Policy Challenges, speech to the Unibank Seminar on "Perspectives on European Integration", Copenhagen, May 11, 2000. In PDF-format. Graphs.

7.       Monetary Union and Precautionary Labour-Market Reform, IIES Seminar Paper No. 659, 1998, and CES Working Paper No. 174, 1998.

6.       Democratic Accountability in the Third Phase of the EMU. Statement to The Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament, Public Hearing in Brussels, 1997.

5.       Unemployment, Labour-Market Reform and the EMU. Keynote speech to the annual meeting of EALE (the European Association of Labour Economists) in Aarhus, September 1997.

4.       Finland och EMU. Yttrande till Stora utskottet, Finlands riksdag, 1997.

3.       Union Structure, Real Wages and Employment (with John Driffill), 1988.

2.       The Wage Formation Process as a Constraint on the Possibilities of Attaining Macroeconomic Balance in the Nordic Countries: A Research Outline, 1986.

1.       Swedish Stabilization Policy Experiences 1971-76: A Case Study of the International Dependence of a Small Open Economy: report to the Brookings Institution research project on "National Stabilization policies 1972-76", 1977.