Publications in English
Publications in English Published Research Papers [1] Growth, Allocation and Trade in Sweden. An Empirical Applicationof the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory. Monograph Series No. 12, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, 1981, 210 pp. [Dissertation]. download [2] "A Generalization of the Rybczynski Theorem for a Model
with [3] "Optimal Subsidies to Declining Industries: Efficiency and Equity [4] "A Heckscher-Ohlin Analysis of the Law of Declining
International Trade," [5] "Reverse Dumping," European Economic Review
31 (1987), 82-88. [6] "Industrial Policy under Monopolistic
Competition," Journal of [7] "Vertical Product Differentiation and
North-South Trade," American [8] "Equal Pay for Unequal Work," Scandinavian
Journal of Economics 89 [9]
"Strategic Trade Policies in the Market for 30-40
Seat Commuter Aircraft," [10] "Adverse
Selection in Credit Markets and Infant Industry Production", in [11] "Introduction," in Eli
Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin, Heckscher-Ohlin Trade [12] "Product
Markets and 1992: Full Integration, Large Gains?," Journal [13] "Bertil Ohlin's Contributions to International
Economics," in Lars Jonung [14] "EC
Members Fighting About Surplus: VERs, FDI and Japanese Cars," [15] "From EEA to EU: Economic Consequences of
the EFTA Countries," [16] "EMU Effects on International Trade and
Investment," in Charles Wyplosz [17] "The Young Ohlin on the Theory
of Interregional and International Trade," [18] "Turkey
and the EU: Politics and Economics of Accession," CESifo
[19] "Economic Effects of Turkey’s
Membership on the European Union," in [20] "Eli Heckscher on Jewish Assimilation and Zionism,"
in Ronald Findlay et al Books [1]
Editing, translation and introduction, with M. June Flanders: Heckscher,
Eli [2] EMU. A Swedish Perspective (Kluwer Academic
Publishers: Boston), [3]
EMU at Ten. Should Denmark, Sweden and the UK Join?,